How to Grab Stills from Video
...in order to use them later in a print publication. A Screen-L discussion.
In Memoriam
Film/TV education has been impovished by the loss of these colleagues. We
mourn their passing.
TV Net
The television index of the Internet. TV listings and tons of other stuff.
Gay, Lesbian,
and Bisexual-Centered Film List
Frank Swilling's compilation of GLB-centered films. Includes a directory
of film distributors.
Mail-order Video Sources
Jim Thompson's selected list of where to find films on video
National Film Registry
The films chosen by the Librarian of Congress for their social-political-cultural
significance. Links to more info (from the Internet Movie Database) on the
films are provided.
The ScreenSite Index of Material Wholly--And
We Do Mean Wholly--Unrelated to the Study of Film and Television
Don't blame us for what you find here...
Cripes! A Humor
"Hey, you kids stop that! Stop that right now!"
Music and Radio
FolkBook, JazzWeb, roots music, All Things Acoustic