
Video Basics


Herbert Zettl, San Francisco State University

Paperbound © 1995
ISBN: 0-534-24786-5
Publication Status: IN PRINT

Meeting instructors' needs for ''a shorter Zettl,'' this text distills video basics so that they can be covered in a single semester. The book moves students from video concepts and processes to production tools and techniques and, finally, to the production environment (studio or field, inside or outside) and how it affects what is done.
  • Focus on video: The term video is used throughout (as a more inclusive term than television) to encompass today's productions for non-broadcast purposes, without distinguishing commercial from non-commercial productions or highly artistic creations from routine programs.
  • Basics: Covers the concepts, tools, and techniques essential for someone to get started in video production without prior knowledge or experience.
  • Digital and Synthetic Images: Digital processes such as nonlinear editing and desktop video are discussed whenever appropriate. Because video images are no longer entirely dependent on the video camera but can be computer-generated, synthetic image creation is also emphasized in sections on interactive video, multimedia, and virtual reality.
  • Aesthetics: This emphasis, extensively featured throughout, helps students understand the 'why' as well as the 'how' for achieving video or audio effects.
  • Internship Example: The example of a student interviewing for and getting an internship at Triple-I, a small production company, is integrated throughout in scenarios at the beginning of chapters, within the text, and in the summing-up at the ends of chapters. (This example is also featured in the CD-ROM, ''Video Lab.'')
  • Visual Orientation: More than 250 photos and diagrams provide constant visual support, while a color insert adds a further visual dimension.
  • Careful Pedagogy: Key concepts (in margins), key terms and overviews (at chapter openings), and ''Once Again, Remember'' recaps (at the end of chapters) highlight principal ideas.
  • Basics: Covers the concepts, tools, and techniques essential for someone to get started in video production without prior knowledge or experience.
  • Digital and Synthetic Images: Digital processes such as nonlinear editing and desktop video are discussed whenever appropriate. Because video images are no longer entirely dependent on the video camera but can be computer-generated, synthetic image creation is also emphasized in sections on interactive video, multimedia, and virtual reality.
  • Aesthetics: This emphasis, extensively featured throughout, helps students understand the 'why' as well as the 'how' for achieving video or audio effects.
  • Internship Example: The example of a student interviewing for and getting an internship at Triple-I, a small production company, is integrated throughout in scenarios at the beginning of chapters, within the text, and in the summing-up at the ends of chapters. (This example is also featured in the CD-ROM, ''Video Lab.'')
  • Visual Orientation: More than 250 photos and diagrams provide constant visual support, while a color insert adds a further visual dimension.
  • Careful Pedagogy: Key concepts (in margins), key terms and overviews (at chapter openings), and ''Once Again, Remember'' recaps (at the end of chapters) highlight principal ideas.
  • Published in English

    Size: 400, Dimensions: 8 x 10

    US List Price: US $34.00
    Herbert Zettl, San Francisco State University. Ph.D., Stanford University

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