PBS: Behind the Screen, by Laurence Jarvik

Published by Prima Publishing, Rocklin, CA in1996 (November)
PBS: Behind The Screen is the first independent historical account of the development of the network. The preface is by Van Gordon Sauter, former president of CBS News.

There are chapters on Bill Moyers, Julia Child, Nova, Nature, American Experience, Frontline, MacNeil-Lehrer, This Old House, The Advocates, Firing Line, and Free To Choose as well as a brief historical summary and an introductory essay related to the battle over Congressional funding for PBS from 1992-1995.

The book is available online from AMAZON.COM [http://www amazon.com] for $22.50 (a discount of 10%) or from the Publisher, Prima Publishing, Rocklin, CA (http://www.primapublishing.com], tel. 916-632-4400.

The book has jacket blurbs from Milton Friedman, Dinesh D'Souza, David Brock, Peter Collier, David Horowitz, Alice Goldfarb Marquis, and Kate O' Beirne.

If you'd like to see the blurbs and cover of the book you can go to the author's homepage

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